Monday, February 27, 2012

Key Factors about the Sprint Airave Access Point

Cell phones are a vital part of everyday life for most people these days... Unfortunately, our reliance on these handy little devices tends to be a nuisance when you can't get service in the places you need it the most. In this case, you might consider purchasing a cell phone booster to enhance your service. In my home, we use both Sprint & AT&T service. Both of these providers offer "femtocell" cell boosters. These boosters act like your own private cellular base station and provide enhanced coverage in the area you have it installed. Having purchased, installed & activated femtocell boosters for both Sprint (the Airave Sprint Access Point) and AT&T (the 3G Microcell Signal Booster), I have found that there are some details to consider before you decide to buy:

- Must have a DSL, Cable or other Broadband internet connection- The device will not work with a dial-up or satellite internet connection as the speeds of these connections are generally not fast enough to support the operation of the signal booster.

- Must be Within a Covered Service Area- There are areas where the devices do not provide coverage. Be sure to check your location on Sprint or AT&T's perspective site to confirm that the boosters will perform correctly in your home. (Special Note for AT&T: AT&T's site may tell you that MicroCell service is not available- In this case, call customer service. This is due to AT&T's satellites being out-of-date.)

- Power Failure- If you experience a power failure or electricity outage of any kind, note that your booster will not operate and you will lose your cell service until the power is restored. This is important to note if you are thinking of terminating your landline phone in hopes of exclusively using your cell for phone service. In most cases, your landline telephone will still provide service in the event of a power failure (in essence, you can still call your power company or the appropriate authorities to report the electricity problem.)

- Activation Fees- When the Airave is purchased outright from a source other than Sprint, they will charge an activation fee to add the device to your account. This fee is typically around $36. AT&T does not charge any type of fee for activation regardless of where you purchase their Microcell booster.

- Technical Support- Sprint has a specific customer service department that addresses the activation and support for the Airave device. To reach them, you must call this customer service number: 1-866-556-7310 (This number is correct as of 1/23/2012). AT&T provides support through their normal customer service number which varies depending on your location.

- Sprint: Any 3G Sprint Users Within Range- Note that anyone who is using a 3G-enabled Sprint device (with the exception of Boost Mobile, Nextel and Nextel Direct Connect) will be able to utilize the enhanced coverage. (So, before you call the cops on that random vehicle stopped in front of your house, check to see if they are using their cell phone- chances are, your booster is providing them signal.... This is a personal experience :)

-AT&T: AT&T Users Within Range- In order for an AT&T user to utilize the enhanced coverage, the registered owner of the MicroCell Booster must grant access. The owner must access their account and register the desired user's cell number. (Note that only AT&T 3G phones are accepted.)

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