Friday, April 18, 2008


Some of us eBay sellers might have received personal messages if the "buyer" could pick up the items they've bought if they do Buy it Now.This happened to me, but not from eBay it was from other site I'll not state. So no worries eBay. Just want to share my story so other eBayers can be careful if same thing happen to them.Someone posted to pay for my item with paypal and they will pick the item up.So they did. We met, he sent me money through paypal with his iphone. Took the item and left.Then I notice that he didn't have his address in his paypal account and my status of seller protection policy was INELIGIBLE. ha.. ha.. ha... ha.........A week later, paypal sent me a note that the transaction must be investigated(it was $1100 value) and asked me where I shipped the item. When the guy sent me the money, he chose cash advance option. I explained to them that we met in person and he picked the item up.Here's what they did--- another week later they reveresed $1100 back to him, investigation closed.Huh.. so he got my $1100 worth of item... for... free......I e-mailed paypal about this situation and reported police of this issue. 2 months already I haven't received any updates.Last week paypal just replied me (after a month) that there can't be further action because investigation was closed. .. !!!So I was very upset(I had to tell the story twice and they still didn't do anything). So I used kind of offensive language saying that they're just lazy.They sent me back to tell them the situation again and if I continue to use abusive language they will stop serving me (???)(ok, so I told the story twice and they didn't help and they'll stop helping me even if they've never helped me). It's very hard to get paypal to assist you when you really have a serious problem. Because to them, when case is closed it's closed. Nothing more nothing less and they don't really care of what happened.Now I just have to have my police call them.But just tell you eBayers to beware of local pick ups as the buyer might say they've never get to meet you and want to do chargeback on their money paypal will sway the buyer's side. (btw, I had proofs of emails, his phone number, and the guy pictures.. police still couldn't do anything)So be careful guys. Pls. vote "Yes" if you find this guide helpful.


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