Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How to Talk Your Kids Out of a Xbox 360 for 2005!

Parents, if you are tired of your kids bugging you for a xbox 360,

here are 5 surefire reasons why you shouldn't get one. What

better way to say "game over" to the xbox 360 if you're not going to

get one? Of course these are some of the same reasons for

not buying any console on launch, but who says you have to tell your

kids that. Its beside the point. Save your cash. Skip

the frenzy.


The Xbox 360 comes in two versions. There's the basic version

for $299.99 and the premium version for $399.99. (For more

information on that you may be interested in reading my guide

"Green Xbox 360 or White Xbox 360? Part 1") If you think you can

just get by with the $299.99 you may want to take into consideration

that only 15% of what originally was suppose to be available to North

American consumers will be of the $299.99 basic version. Then

take into account that so much as 50% of the million xbox 360 units

that were to be shipped may not be shippied according to a recent

estimate, and you can anticipate prices going sky high for the xbox

360. Its a simple matter of supply and demand. Those that

have the means to pay for a costly xbox 360 likely will, while those

that are too poor will simply just be out of luck.

On another note, if you can't wait for there to be a secondhand

market on xbox 360 games, you can expect to pay $59.99 for titles not

made by Microsoft which is a $10 increase over the traditional

$49.99 retail price tag on games.

Hidden Costs

One of the strongest selling points for the xbox 360 is its stunning

graphics. However, in order to fully appreciate these stunning

graphics you'll need a high definition tv if you don't already have

one. Currently some of the most economical high definition

tvs (which is a bit of a oxymoron) are around $700. Then once

you've factored in all the peripherals and extras you may need with

your xbox 360, that could reach $600, for a grand total of

$1,300. And you thought they just cost $299.99!

Lack of Games

Only 19 titles are expected to be available for the xbox 360 at

launch. Furthermore only a handful of those games will be

exclusives that you can not play on any other system.

According to a Microsoft announcement, 200 regular xbox games will

be backward compatible with the new xbox 360 (assuming you bought the

White Xbox 360 that retails for $399.99 and includes a hard

drive). So if most of your selection of games is limited to the

that of the regular xbox why not just keep on playing on your regular

xbox, if you have one, than spend $400 on a new one that will only

benefit you a little bit at first.

Older Consoles Are Not Dead Yet

You can get both the original xbox, and the playstation 2 for about

$149, and the gamecube for $99 depending on where you buy it

from. In just about any case, you'll walk away with a better deal

for your money than the xbox 360. That would be because as

with the xbox, and playstation 2, you'd be buying them at the end of

their lifecycle when the best games to be played are out.

Whereas, if you buy the xbox 360 now, at the begining of it's

lifecycle, you won't be playing the best games for it anytime

soon. Halo 3 for the xbox 360 isn't expected to be released until

nearly 2007.

No Competition

As of now, the xbox 360 has no competition, and with the supply

being cut, thereby causing demand to rise, sellers of the xbox 360 can

easily justify a price increase. A more wiser course of action

than rushing out to buy a xbox 360 is to wait for Nintendo's

Revolution, and Sony's Playstation to be released in 2006 which will

inevitably ignite at least a small price war, and force the price of

the xbox 360 down. That would be if you do end up getting a xbox

360 anyway.

Now should you fail to persuade your kids to take the xbox 360 off

their christimas list, and give into their demands you can check

with me to see if I'm available. I may be willing to put my

time and energy towards helping you find a suitable xbox 360 for a

small fee. Although I'd recommend you have a

back-up plan such as going with the older systems should the

xbox 360 completely sell out just to be safe.

Orignal From: How to Talk Your Kids Out of a Xbox 360 for 2005!

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