Friday, April 18, 2008

How to Talk Your Parents into a Xbox 360 for 2005!

You know you want a xbox 360. Its your mission to get one no

matter what! In this guide, I give you the ammunition you need to

go after your parents, or perhaps what you could call nay-sayers of the

xbox 360. (Now for those of you that read my guide "How to Talk

Your Kids Out of a Xbox for 2005" hold off on the hate mail,

and bear in mind that I give you 7 reasons, whereas the parents

only have 5, so it could be said the odds are in your favor)

The Xbox 360 is a Rare Commodity, and Therefore Valueable!

Retailers won't get nearly as many Xbox 360 units as originally

expected because Microsoft will not meet their production quotas for

the 2005 holiday season until sometime in the spring, but you

don't have to tell your parents that, because afterall you want them to

think they're making a sound investment here. All they need to

know is that the Xbox 360 is going to be a scarce resource this holiday

season and that you must have one. Your mom and dad should have

some things that are scarce - such as jewelry, fine wine, dare I say

hair, and should understand that a scarcity of anything increases it's

overall value. To add creditibility to your cliam you could do a

google search on the string "xbox 360 shortage".

It can play DVDs, and CDs!

In order to help you make your case for the Xbox 360 you need to

point out all the cool features it has, and how it will save your

parents money, or so they can think. If you don't have a DVD

player, then you could point out that a Xbox 360 would save about a $50

on a future purchase. Though this may be offsetted by the $1000

in games and accessories you'll want to get, you can worry about

crossing that bridge when you get to it.

It can play Music!

This is something your parents may have been wondering about for

some time. They may have more MP3s on their personal computer

that they know what to do with, and wonder how they could play them on

the home stereo. With a home network set up to work with the Xbox

360, its certainly do able. Although they'll want to get near

your beloved xbox 360 to hear their music. Don't allow them!

You can view Photos!

Your parents may have a gazillion different photos from vacations,

and who know's where else to on their computer. By purchasing a

xbox 360 they can then browse their pictures from within the comfort of

their living room tv.

Silly Arcade Games for the Whole Family!

Xbox Live has a feature that allows you to download some of the

classic games like Pac Man, Tetris, and Space Invaders. You could

suggest that this would allow for some good quality family time, and at

the same time remind them of what it was to be young and into games if

they are near say the age of 40 or so. Chances are they may feel

nostalgic to the old Pac Man, though it bores you to tears.

You'll Meet Friends from All Over the World!

Granted these new found friends may want to kill you (virtually),

and shout obscene things at you that comes after the fact that you've

got the Xbox 360. If you got it, then its mission accomplished;

if not, then you can suggest how teamwork in games builds up

communication, and leadership skills and is good way to make friends

with whom you share a common thing with. If you do a really good

job here, you may be able to convince them to fork out the $50 or so

dollars it costs for a year's subscription to xbox live.

It's an Excuse to get High Definition Tv!

You'll have to be careful here so that your parents don't think its

a requirement for you to thave HDTV, or this stratedgy could backfire

on you. By talking about the mind blowing graphics of the Xbox

360, and how it was intended to be on HDTVs, you can make it sound like

fun the whole entire family would enjoy.

Count'em up. Seven good reasons (any reason is a good reason

for a loyal fan, right?), versus the five reasons your parents may or

may not have if they read my opposing guide on this subject.

Chances are they didn't, and you're good.

Orignal From: How to Talk Your Parents into a Xbox 360 for 2005!

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