Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Green Xbox 360 or White Xbox 360? Part 3

In part 3, I hightlight the key differences between the green and

white xbox 360. For those of you that missed Part 1 of this

guide, I simply introduce you to the two types of packages you can

expect the xbox 360 to appear in stores. In part 2 I break

down what comes with each package.

The purpose of this guide is to help you decide on whether you need

the green or the white box the xbox 360 comes in, and is a continuation

from the previous guides written on the subject. In this guide, I

cover what it is you need to buy with your xbox so that you can better

decide whether you should purchase those things separately and buy the

green xbox 360, or together bundled in the white xbox 360


The basic things, that you must need in order to play xbox 360 games

such as a console, and power cord are not discussed in this

guide. However, the key differences between the white and green

xbox 360 are discussed.

To be Wired or Not to be Wired?

Below we have pictured 2 controllers. They look about the same

except for a detail or two. One is wired, and has a retail

price of $39.99 while the other is wireless and has a retail price of

$49.99. If you have a problem with cords getting tangled up I'd

recommend the wireless controller. If you have a problem with

keeping things charged, I'd recommend the wired controller.

Which Cables go to What!?

Simply put, if you see 3 holes on your tv, then or a

place to put composite video on your tv then just the Standard

Video AV Cables that come with the basic (green boxed) xbox 360

should allow you to see and hear games as you play them.

The S-Video, or Standard Video AV Cables are pictured

to the left, and have 4 connectors on them (Retail Price $29.99).

That would be 1 for composite video, which offers lower image quality

than Standard Video and should only be used if you don't have the 3

holes on your tv for it. For those of you that have High

Definition Tvs, you could use the S-AV Cables that come with the basic

Xbox 360, however, you would benefit most from the HD AV Cables

pictured to the right (Retail Price $39.99 ) which offer the

highest image quality. (If shopping for a HD AV Cable, it's

helpful to remember that they have 6 connectors where as the S-Video

Cable just has 3 or 4 depending on whether or not a composite

cable is included.)

For those of you that have old tvs, you will not

find a place for composite video, standard video, and certainly not for

high definition, but should find a place for a RF connector.

Neither the S-Video AV, or the HD AV Cables will be of any use to you

in that case. So you will either need to purchase a RF connector

to work with your xbox 360 separately, or just buy a newer tv. My

recommendation would be to buy the newer tv if at all possible because

apart of the fun in playing video games is enjoying the graphics.

Of all the ways to hook up a xbox 360 out there, RF will give you the

worst image quality of all. (For those still clueless, stay tuned

as I may soon write a guide on hooking up the xbox 360)

No Hard Drive?! Say What?

That's right. If you buy the basic (green) xbox

360 you'll either have to do without a hard drive, or buy one

separately for $99.99 that has 20 gigabytes. There are a few

things you need a hard drive for. One of them is to play games

for the original xbox . Another is to download content from xbox

live, and perhaps the most important is so that you will be able to

save your games. If you want to just save games, there is the

$39.99 memory card alternative that stores 64 megabytes of data.

If you buy the premium (white) xbox 360, the hard drive is included.

The 20 gigabyte hard drive that costs $99.99 is to your

left, and the 64 megabyte memory card is to your right.

Note: Pictures are not to scale here.

Headsets? What for?

No question about it. Whether you want to be an

effective teamplayer on xbox live by communicating your stratedgy with

team mates, or taunt your opponents, you'll need a headset in order for

them to hear you. The retail price for one is $19.99, and is

recommended for those who plan on being on xbox live.

Ethernet Cable

The ethernet cable is what allows you to play xbox

live. I couldn't find out how much the xbox 360 ethernet cables

cost, however, any old ethernet cable should do the job, and shouldn't

cost you more than a few dollars. I personally use the one that

comes from the cable company for use with my modem for broadband

internet service, and it works just fine connecting to xbox live.


There you have it. Those would be the things that

set the white packaged xbox 360 apart from the green one. In

order to see where your money would be most well spent, look at the

things above that you feel like you need, or want and add the value of

those things up. Just keep in mind its only one of each that

comes with each system. If what you plan on getting here is at

$100 or more, you'd be better off getting the white xbox 360. If

it is less than $100, or for that matter $99.99 lol, then you'd be

better of getting the green xbox 360.

Orignal From: Green Xbox 360 or White Xbox 360? Part 3

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