Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Green Xbox 360 or White Xbox 360? Part 1

Green or White?

As trival as it may sound, the color of the box that

your xbox 360 comes in is important. Basically there are 2

choices if you want to get a Xbox 360. Any other

variations you may see would be based on this. Microsoft

refers to one choice as "Xbox 360", and another choice as "Xbox 360

Core". This guide is to clear up any confusion you may

have over what the two are in a 3 part series.

The green box is what Microsoft calls the "Xbox 360

Core", and what I will call the "Xbox 360 Basic Version". The

white box is what Microsoft calls the "Xbox 360", and what I will call

the "Xbox 360 Premium Version". So just think green box = basic,

and white box = premium.

The difference between the Xbox 360 basic, and premium

versions are in what they include, and their price tags. The

basic (green) version costs $299.99 and includes some basic things

you will need in order to play xbox 360 games. The premium

(white) version costs $399.99, and includes the basics plus some

extras. Outside of the box, things should look like this:

You may or may not notice that the basic version

console and the premium version console look slightly different out of

the box. That's because the basic (green) version does not

have chrome detailing, whereas the premium (white) does.

What about Silver, Gold, & Platinum Packages?

Some sellers may advertise what xbox 360s they have as

being silver, gold, or platinum packages, as well as throw in some

games, and additional accessories. However Microsoft is still

shipping them out as white for premium, and green for

basic boxes. If you should come across any platinum xbox 360

packages, it is most likely a costly xbox 360 with a few games

included. Sellers advertise in this way to get your attention,

hoping that you will not pass over them as you might with some sellers

that blend in too well with the many others selling xbox 360s.

This guide continued...

In my next guide, "Green Xbox 360 or White Xbox

360? Part 2" I go into more detail about what is

specifically included with what. Following that guide is, "Green

Xbox 360 or White Xbox 360? Part 3" and concludes by telling you why

you should go with one or the other.

Orignal From: Green Xbox 360 or White Xbox 360? Part 1

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