Friday, April 18, 2008

Paypal Login Scam

These scams have been around since paypal was first introduced to the ebay community. I myself have never paid much attention until i started recieving them in my inbox. Today, most ebay users have a paypal account and these accounts are a prime target for scammers. Most of these scams will arrive via your email. It will present itself in a very official looking email receipt of a paypal payment from your account. When you open it , a very authentic looking paypal statement will appear. It will be for an item that you havent bought or even looked at, and will be for a more than nominal amount. On this invoice there will be a button that states if you did not pay for this item click here, on the premise that you will be opening a dispute. The next page you will see will be a VERY authentic looking paypal login page-very familiar to all paypal users. After entering account, password and login button , you will land on an empty link and you may even backscreen and make another attempt. You have just given some scammer everything he/she needs to access your account and all your personal information. They can now take over your account, steal your identity, and take all your money. If you fall into this trap you must immediately change your password or ontact paypal immediately. In doing this make sure you login with the link that is available on the left column of your my ebay page, as this is probably your most secure link. Paypals home page will always be with If you are at a site without the https it is insecure and it probably isnt from paypal. It is also a good idea to download the ebay toolbar as it contains the account guard which will inform you when you are visiting a real or a fake ebay or paypal site. Most of these scams are hard to detect and even harder to to find the scammer doing them, they are done using stolen email accounts and done from public internet terminals so you cant trace them. Dont be a victim, never enter your login information unless you are 100% sure it is a legit paypal site. Thank you for reading my guide and if you found this helpful, please vote yes below..

Orignal From: Paypal Login Scam

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